• The first position of perception is the position of "I". That is, when a person looks at everything with his own eyes and associates it with his inner world. Being in the first position, a person does not take into account the points of view and opinions of others.


    It can be correlated with the stage when the designer, guided by his expert opinion, looks for solutions to the problem, develops options and forms hypotheses.

  • The origins of the concept

    The concept of "perceptual position" was first formulated by John Grinder and Judith DeLozier in 1987 from a rethinking of various phenomena that they observed in their practice.


    For example, they noticed that a race car driver expands his personal perception of himself while driving a car, identifying with him. By the way, this is not connected with getting pleasure from the process: for example, a blind person perceives his cane as part of himself. And vice versa: people who survived a traumatic experience often described the situation in the opposite way from the position of an observer, not associating themselves with what happened.

  • Outsourcing becomes the main problem of consistency

    With the growth of the company and our department, we faced the problem of the integrity of the interface elements. We spent a lot of time on the same tasks from project to project: we created components and built logic, but we did it in different ways.


    The consistency problem arose for several reasons:


    Designers did what was convenient for them. When switching to a new project, the designer had to dive into the context from scratch: study artifacts, understand tasks, goals, and scenarios, and then work on the already created structure. I had to constantly adapt, and it took a lot of time. Designers did not adopt completely new or strange methodologies for themselves at 100%.

    Each designer interpreted the atomic approach in their own way. That is, he solved the problems of naming, styles, layers, screens and maintaining the project structure in different ways. Within the framework of one project, the approach might look reasonable, but when there are more than 15 of them, they all worked in their own way.

  • When it comes to working for yourself or in a small startup, where the design life is concentrated in the hands of one specialist, this can be useful. For self-education and improving skills - also cool. But, unfortunately, the knowledge that media resources give us is not always suitable for outsourcing in practice: our approach to tasks is very different.


    The product observes users more and works with real data, while outsourcing means working with the client's expectations and focuses on best practice.


    Outsourced design development has its own characteristics:


    Variability. The result of the design team directly depends on the wishes of the customer, which can be unpredictable.


    Short term. It is always negotiated in advance, but on average 3-4 months are allotted for the design.

    Great result on the first try. When you need to design 2000 screens in 50 scenarios in a short time, there is no time for mistakes.

    Regular immersion in a new context. Normal practice is to switch the designer to another project after 6-12 months.

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